Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship in Canada

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship in Canada

Key Takeaways

  1. The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship provides financial support and learning opportunities for Canadian students pursuing computer science education.
  2. Eligible students must be enrolled in a Canadian university, demonstrate financial need, and have a strong academic record in computer science or a related field.
  3. The scholarship program aims to increase diversity and inclusion in the tech industry by supporting underrepresented groups in computer science.
  4. Recipients benefit from financial assistance, mentorship, and networking opportunities with Amazon employees and industry professionals.
  5. The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship is part of a larger initiative to promote computer science education and prepare students for careers in the tech industry.


The technology industry is one of the fastest-growing and most influential sectors in the global economy, with a constant demand for skilled professionals in various roles. However, access to quality computer science education and opportunities in the tech industry is not always equitable, particularly for underrepresented groups. To address this issue and empower the next generation of tech leaders, Amazon launched the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship program in Canada. This comprehensive guide will explore the scholarship’s benefits, eligibility criteria, and impact on students and the tech industry in Canada.

Overview of the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship

The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship is a financial assistance program designed to support Canadian students pursuing post-secondary education in computer science or related fields. The scholarship is part of Amazon’s larger initiative, Amazon Future Engineer, which aims to increase access to computer science education and prepare students for careers in the tech industry.

The scholarship program provides selected students with:

  1. Financial Support: Recipients receive $5,000 CAD per year for up to four years to help cover tuition, books, and other educational expenses.
  2. Mentorship: Scholarship recipients are paired with Amazon employees who serve as mentors, providing guidance, support, and industry insights throughout their academic journey.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Students have the chance to connect with Amazon employees, industry professionals, and fellow scholarship recipients through various events and programs.
  4. Internship Consideration: Scholarship recipients are given the opportunity to apply for internships at Amazon, gaining valuable hands-on experience in the tech industry.

By providing financial assistance and access to mentorship and networking opportunities, the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship aims to remove barriers and empower students to pursue their dreams in the field of computer science.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

To be eligible for the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Enrollment: Be enrolled full-time in a bachelor’s degree program at a Canadian university, with a focus on computer science, software engineering, or a related field.
  2. Academic Achievement: Demonstrate a strong academic record, with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or equivalent.
  3. Financial Need: Demonstrate financial need, as determined by the university’s financial aid office.
  4. Diversity and Inclusion: Preference is given to students from underrepresented groups in the tech industry, including women, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, and students with disabilities.

The application process for the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship typically involves:

  1. Online Application: Students must complete an online application form, providing personal information, academic details, and a personal statement outlining their goals and interest in computer science.
  2. University Nomination: Universities are responsible for nominating eligible students for the scholarship. Students should contact their university’s financial aid office or scholarship department for more information on the nomination process.
  3. Selection Process: A selection committee reviews the applications and selects the scholarship recipients based on their academic achievements, financial need, personal statement, and potential to contribute to the field of computer science.

The application deadline and specific requirements may vary by university, so interested students should consult their university’s scholarship website or financial aid office for the most up-to-date information.

Impact on Diversity and Inclusion in the Tech Industry

The tech industry has long struggled with diversity and inclusion, with underrepresented groups often facing barriers to entry and advancement. According to a report by the Brookfield Institute, women, Indigenous peoples, and visible minorities are underrepresented in Canada’s tech workforce compared to their overall labour market participation.

The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship aims to address this issue by providing targeted support for students from underrepresented groups in computer science. By offering financial assistance, mentorship, and networking opportunities, the scholarship program helps level the playing field and encourages a more diverse range of students to pursue careers in the tech industry.

The impact of the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship on diversity and inclusion in the tech industry is multifaceted:

  1. Removing Financial Barriers: By providing significant financial support, the scholarship helps alleviate the financial burden of post-secondary education for students who may otherwise struggle to afford it. This can be particularly impactful for students from low-income backgrounds or underrepresented groups who often face additional financial challenges.
  2. Providing Role Models and Mentorship: Through the mentorship component of the scholarship, recipients have the opportunity to connect with Amazon employees who can serve as role models and provide guidance on navigating the tech industry. This can be especially valuable for students from underrepresented groups who may not have access to diverse role models or mentors in their personal networks.
  3. Building Inclusive Networks: The networking opportunities provided by the scholarship allow recipients to connect with a diverse group of fellow students, Amazon employees, and industry professionals. These connections can help build a sense of belonging and community for underrepresented students in the tech industry, as well as provide valuable professional opportunities.
  4. Signaling Industry Commitment: By offering a scholarship program specifically designed to support diversity and inclusion, Amazon is sending a strong signal to the tech industry and the broader public about the importance of these issues. This can help encourage other companies and organizations to take similar steps to promote diversity and inclusion in their own practices.

While the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship alone cannot solve the systemic issues of underrepresentation in the tech industry, it is an important step towards creating a more diverse and inclusive field. By empowering and supporting students from underrepresented groups, the scholarship program helps build a pipeline of diverse talent that can shape the future of the tech industry in Canada.

Benefits for Scholarship Recipients and the Tech Industry

The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship provides numerous benefits for both the individual recipients and the tech industry as a whole. For scholarship recipients, the benefits include:

  1. Financial Support: The $5,000 CAD per year in financial assistance can help cover a significant portion of tuition and other educational expenses, reducing the financial burden of post-secondary education.
  2. Mentorship and Guidance: The mentorship component of the scholarship provides recipients with access to experienced Amazon employees who can offer guidance, support, and insights into the tech industry. This mentorship can help students navigate their academic and professional journeys, develop valuable skills, and make informed decisions about their careers.
  3. Networking Opportunities: The scholarship program provides recipients with opportunities to connect with Amazon employees, industry professionals, and fellow scholarship recipients through various events and programs. These networking opportunities can lead to valuable professional connections, internships, and job opportunities.
  4. Industry Exposure: Through their involvement with the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship, recipients gain exposure to the tech industry and Amazon, a global leader in technology and innovation. This exposure can help students better understand the industry landscape, current trends, and potential career paths.
  5. Personal and Professional Growth: The scholarship experience as a whole can contribute to recipients’ personal and professional growth, helping them develop valuable skills, gain confidence, and prepare for successful careers in the tech industry.

For the tech industry, the benefits of the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship include:

  1. Diverse Talent Pipeline: By supporting students from underrepresented groups in computer science, the scholarship program helps build a more diverse talent pipeline for the tech industry. This is crucial for creating a more inclusive and innovative industry that reflects the diversity of the communities it serves.
  2. Fresh Perspectives and Ideas: A more diverse workforce brings a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the table. This diversity of thought can lead to more creative problem-solving, innovation, and better products and services that meet the needs of a diverse customer base.
  3. Competitive Advantage: Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion often experience a competitive advantage, with research showing that diverse teams can lead to improved financial performance, increased innovation, and better decision-making.
  4. Positive Social Impact: By investing in the education and professional development of underrepresented groups, the tech industry can contribute to a more equitable and just society. This positive social impact can help build trust and goodwill with customers, employees, and the broader public.

The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship is a powerful example of how targeted support and investment in diversity and inclusion can benefit both individuals and the industry as a whole. By empowering the next generation of diverse tech leaders, the scholarship program is helping shape a more inclusive, innovative, and successful future for the tech industry in Canada.

The Bigger Picture: Amazon Future Engineer and Computer Science Education

The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship is just one part of Amazon’s larger initiative, Amazon Future Engineer, which aims to promote computer science education and prepare students for careers in the tech industry. Amazon Future Engineer is a comprehensive childhood-to-career program that offers a variety of resources and opportunities for students, teachers, and schools.

Some of the key components of Amazon Future Engineer include:

  1. Curriculum Resources: Amazon Future Engineer provides free curriculum resources and lesson plans for teachers to incorporate computer science education into their classrooms. These resources are designed to be engaging, hands-on, and accessible for students of all backgrounds and skill levels.
  2. Coding Camps and Clubs: The initiative supports coding camps and clubs for students, providing opportunities for them to learn and practice coding skills in a fun and supportive environment. These programs often focus on underserved communities and aim to increase access to computer science education.
  3. Teacher Professional Development: Amazon Future Engineer offers professional development opportunities for teachers to build their skills and confidence in teaching computer science. This includes workshops, online courses, and access to a network of fellow computer science educators.
  4. College Scholarships: In addition to the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship in Canada, the initiative offers college scholarships for students in the United States who are pursuing degrees in computer science or related fields. These scholarships provide financial support and mentorship opportunities to help students succeed in their academic and professional journeys.

The importance of initiatives like Amazon Future Engineer lies in their potential to address the growing skills gap in the tech industry and prepare students for the jobs of the future. According to the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC), the demand for digitally-skilled talent in Canada is expected to reach 305,000 by 2023. However, there is a significant shortage of skilled workers to fill these roles, particularly in fields like computer science and software engineering.

By promoting computer science education and providing resources and opportunities for students and teachers, Amazon Future Engineer is helping to build a strong foundation for the future of the tech industry in Canada. The initiative’s focus on increasing access and diversity in computer science education is particularly important, as it helps ensure that the benefits and opportunities of the tech industry are available to all students, regardless of their background.

Moreover, the skills and knowledge gained through computer science education are not limited to the tech industry alone. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into every aspect of our lives and work, digital literacy and computational thinking skills are becoming essential for success in a wide range of fields, from healthcare and finance to art and social sciences.

Initiatives like Amazon Future Engineer play a crucial role in preparing students for the digital age and empowering them to become not just consumers of technology, but creators and innovators. By providing students with the tools, resources, and support they need to pursue their passions in computer science, Amazon Future Engineer is helping to build a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Who is eligible for the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship in Canada?
    To be eligible for the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship, students must be enrolled full-time in a bachelor’s degree program at a Canadian university, focusing on computer science, software engineering, or a related field. They must also demonstrate a strong academic record, financial need, and preference is given to students from underrepresented groups in the tech industry.
  2. How much financial assistance does the scholarship provide?
    The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship provides $5,000 CAD per year for up to four years to help cover tuition, books, and other educational expenses.
  3. How do I apply for the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship?
    The application process typically involves completing an online application form, providing personal information, academic details, and a personal statement. Universities are responsible for nominating eligible students, so interested students should contact their university’s financial aid office or scholarship department for more information on the nomination process.
  4. What are the benefits of the scholarship beyond financial assistance? In addition to financial support, scholarship recipients benefit from mentorship with Amazon employees, networking opportunities with industry professionals and fellow recipients, and the chance to apply for internships at Amazon.
  5. How does the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship support diversity and inclusion in the tech industry?
    The scholarship program aims to increase diversity and inclusion in the tech industry by providing targeted support for students from underrepresented groups in computer science, including women, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, and students with disabilities. By offering financial assistance, mentorship, and networking opportunities, the scholarship helps remove barriers and empower a more diverse range of students to pursue careers in tech.


The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship in Canada is a powerful initiative that empowers the next generation of tech leaders by providing financial support, mentorship, and networking opportunities for students pursuing computer science education. By focusing on increasing diversity and inclusion in the tech industry, the scholarship program helps remove barriers and ensures that the benefits and opportunities of the field are accessible to all students, regardless of their background.

As part of the larger Amazon Future Engineer initiative, the scholarship program contributes to a comprehensive effort to promote computer science education and prepare students for the jobs of the future. By building a diverse talent pipeline and equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, Amazon Future Engineer is helping to shape a more inclusive, innovative, and prosperous future for the tech industry in Canada.

For students interested in pursuing a career in computer science or related fields, the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship represents an incredible opportunity to access financial support, mentorship, and industry connections. By taking advantage of this opportunity and dedicating themselves to their studies and professional development, scholarship recipients can become the next generation of leaders and innovators in the tech industry.

As the demand for digitally-skilled talent continues to grow, initiatives like Amazon Future Engineer and the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship will only become more important in ensuring that Canada has the skilled workforce needed to drive innovation and economic growth. By investing in the education and empowerment of diverse students, we can build a brighter future for all.