Win Big: Apply for University of Toronto Scholarship

apply for university of toronto scholarship

Are you a student dreaming of pursuing your higher education at the prestigious University of Toronto? Looking for ways to fund your studies and make them more affordable? Then you’re in luck! The University of Toronto offers a range of scholarships that can help you achieve your academic goals while easing the financial burden.

Applying for a scholarship at the University of Toronto can be a game-changer for your education. But how exactly does the application process work? What are the eligibility criteria for these scholarships? In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about University of Toronto scholarships, their application process, and the eligibility criteria. Get ready to unlock your potential and win big with a University of Toronto scholarship!

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Key Takeaways:

  • The University of Toronto offers a range of scholarships, grants, fellowships, prizes, and bursaries to support students financially.
  • These scholarships are based on criteria such as merit, financial need, community engagement, leadership, and athletic performance.
  • Some scholarships are automatically considered when you apply to the University of Toronto, while others require a separate application or awards profile.
  • The University of Toronto provides a centralized database called the Award Explorer to help students search for various funding opportunities.
  • Applying for scholarships can make your studies at the University of Toronto more affordable and open doors to immense academic and personal growth.

Admission Awards at University of Toronto

When it comes to pursuing your undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto, the opportunity for financial support through admission awards is within reach. These awards are designed to recognize outstanding students and provide them with the means to achieve their academic goals. Whether you excel in academics, demonstrate financial need, or possess other exceptional qualities, there are admission awards available to suit your unique circumstances.

Applying to the University of Toronto automatically qualifies you for consideration for a variety of admission awards. The university recognizes the diverse talents and achievements of its applicants, and as such, these awards can be based on factors such as merit, financial need, or other criteria. This means that you may receive an award simply by submitting your application to U of T, without having to go through a separate application process.

However, it’s important to note that some admission awards do require you to complete a separate application or awards profile. These additional steps allow the university to assess your eligibility for specific awards that may have additional criteria or requirements. Therefore, it’s crucial to carefully review the admission awards on offer and follow the instructions provided to ensure you don’t miss out on any opportunities.

If you’re seeking more information on admission awards and how to finance your University of Toronto experience, the university offers a helpful guide called “Within Reach: How to Finance Your University of Toronto Experience”. This guide provides comprehensive information on the various types of admission awards available, including details on eligibility criteria, application processes, and deadlines. It’s a valuable resource that can assist you in navigating the financial aspect of your academic journey at U of T.

Benefits of University of Toronto Admission Awards

By being awarded an admission award, you not only receive financial support but also gain recognition for your achievements and potential. Here are some key benefits of receiving these awards:

  • Financial assistance: Admission awards can help alleviate the financial burden of pursuing higher education, allowing you to focus more on your academics and overall university experience.
  • Merit recognition: These awards acknowledge and celebrate your academic achievements, demonstrating your commitment to excellence and dedication to your studies.
  • Opportunities for personal growth: Alongside the financial benefits, admission awards often come with enriching opportunities such as mentorship programs, research opportunities, and networking events, providing you with a well-rounded educational experience.

Receiving an admission award can truly enhance your university journey, both academically and personally. It is an opportunity to not only receive financial support but also gain recognition for your hard work, dedication, and potential.

Admission AwardsCriteriaApplication Process
Merit-based scholarshipsAcademic excellenceNo separate application required; automatic consideration
Financial need-based awardsDemonstrated financial needNo separate application required; automatic consideration
Specialized awardsVaries based on award; may include merit, talent, or other criteriaSeparate application or awards profile required

While some awards are automatically considered upon application, others may require additional steps. Make sure to review the specific criteria and application processes for each award to maximize your chances of receiving an admission award.

“Receiving an admission award not only relieves the financial burden but also unlocks opportunities for personal and academic growth.” – University of Toronto

National and Pearson Scholarships at University of Toronto

The University of Toronto offers two prestigious scholarship programs: the National Scholarship and the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship.

National Scholarship Program

The National Scholarship program is specifically designed for Canadian high school students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement, leadership qualities, and a commitment to their community. Each year, the University of Toronto awards full-ride scholarships to fifteen deserving students. These scholarships cover tuition fees, books, and living expenses, providing a comprehensive financial support package. The National Scholarship program recognizes and rewards the outstanding accomplishments of talented Canadian students, allowing them to pursue their studies at one of Canada’s top universities.

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship program is aimed at international students who have demonstrated extraordinary academic excellence, leadership potential, and a strong commitment to making a difference in their communities. This highly competitive scholarship program offers full-ride scholarships to a select number of students from around the world. Recipients of the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship receive full financial coverage for their undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto, including tuition fees, housing, books, and other living expenses. This program is an incredible opportunity for international students to pursue their educational aspirations while enjoying a culturally diverse and intellectually stimulating environment.

Both the National Scholarship and the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship have rigorous eligibility criteria and application processes. Students must meet specific academic requirements, demonstrate leadership abilities, and showcase their contributions to their respective communities. The selection committees assess applicants based on these criteria to identify the most deserving and promising candidates for the scholarships.

To learn more about the eligibility criteria and application processes for these prestigious scholarships, please refer to the University of Toronto’s official website.

U of T Mississauga and U of T Scarborough Scholarships

When it comes to financing your education at the University of Toronto, there are numerous scholarship opportunities available. Both U of T Mississauga and U of T Scarborough campuses offer entrance scholarships for eligible students. These scholarships provide financial support to domestic and international students admitted to these campuses.

U of T Mississauga Entrance Scholarships

U of T Mississauga offers three levels of guaranteed entrance scholarships to all domestic and international students upon admission to their campus. These scholarships are automatically awarded and have different starting averages. This means that as long as you meet the minimum average requirements, you will be considered for a scholarship. The higher your average, the more funding you may receive.

U of T Scarborough Entrance Scholarships

For domestic students applying from secondary school, U of T Scarborough also offers entrance scholarships. These scholarships are automatically considered, meaning that if you are admitted to U of T Scarborough, you will be assessed for these scholarships based on your achievements and academic performance. The scholarships aim to recognize exceptional students and provide them with financial support for their undergraduate studies.

By offering these entrance scholarships, U of T Mississauga and U of T Scarborough aim to make higher education more accessible and affordable for deserving students. These scholarships not only provide financial support but also serve as a recognition of students’ hard work and academic achievements.

U of T Mississauga Entrance ScholarshipsU of T MississaugaAll domestic and international students admitted to U of T Mississauga
U of T Scarborough Entrance ScholarshipsU of T ScarboroughDomestic students applying from secondary school and admitted to U of T Scarborough

These entrance scholarships provide an excellent opportunity for students to receive financial assistance and support their educational journey at the world-renowned University of Toronto.

U of T Scholars Program

The U of T Scholars Program is an exceptional opportunity for outstanding students at the University of Toronto to receive recognition for their achievements. This program is open to both domestic and international secondary school students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance and potential.

Students who are admitted to U of T are automatically considered for the U of T Scholars Program based on their average at the time of admission. Being selected as a U of T Scholar is a prestigious honor and showcases a student’s exceptional abilities and dedication to their studies.

The U of T Scholars Program is designed to provide additional benefits and opportunities to these exceptional students. Here are some key features of the program:

  • Financial Support: U of T Scholars receive financial support to help alleviate the cost of their education.
  • Mentorship: Scholars have access to mentoring programs that connect them with faculty members, alumni, and other successful individuals in their field of interest.
  • Enrichment Activities: The program offers exclusive enrichment activities such as seminars, workshops, and conferences to further enhance the academic and personal development of Scholars.
  • Scholar Community: Scholars become part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for academic excellence and intellectual growth.

The U of T Scholars Program can be tenable with other admission awards, allowing students to maximize their financial support while enjoying the benefits of both programs.

If you are a talented and high-achieving student, the U of T Scholars Program may be an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your abilities and unlock additional benefits during your studies at the University of Toronto.

Apply to U of T and let your academic achievements be recognized through the U of T Scholars Program!

The Benefits of the U of T Scholars Program

Being selected as a U of T Scholar comes with numerous benefits and advantages. Here are a few key benefits of the U of T Scholars Program:

  1. Financial Support: Scholars receive financial support in addition to any other admission awards they may have received. This can help alleviate the financial burden of studying at the University of Toronto.
  2. Recognition and Prestige: Being designated as a U of T Scholar is a prestigious honor that recognizes a student’s exceptional academic achievements and potential.
  3. Enhanced Opportunities: Scholars have access to exclusive opportunities such as networking events, research opportunities, and internships, which can significantly enhance their academic and professional journey.
  4. Mentorship and Guidance: The program connects Scholars with experienced mentors who can provide valuable guidance and support throughout their academic journey.

Becoming a U of T Scholar opens doors to a world of opportunities and sets you apart as a high-achieving student. It is a testament to your dedication and hard work, and it can pave the way for a successful future.

Benefits of the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at the University of Toronto is a highly coveted and prestigious opportunity for incoming international students. This fully funded scholarship provides a range of extraordinary benefits that contribute to a truly remarkable academic experience.

1. Tuition Fees Coverage

Recipients of the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship have their tuition fees fully covered for the entire duration of their undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto. This financial relief allows scholars to focus on their education and pursue their academic goals wholeheartedly.

2. Living Expenses and Accommodation

In addition to covering tuition fees, the scholarship provides support for living expenses and accommodation. Scholars receive a generous allowance to cover their day-to-day costs, ensuring that they can comfortably focus on their studies without worrying about financial constraints.

3. Book Allowance

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship includes a book allowance, enabling scholars to acquire the necessary textbooks and learning materials required for their courses. This resource ensures that scholars have all the tools they need to excel academically.

4. Meal and Transportation Coverage

Knowing that a balanced diet is essential for student success, the scholarship also covers meal expenses. Scholars can enjoy nutritious meals on campus, providing the sustenance they need for their demanding academic pursuits. Additionally, transportation costs are covered, allowing scholars to commute conveniently to and from the university.

5. Incidental Costs Support

The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship takes care of any other incidental costs that may arise during a scholar’s journey at the University of Toronto. Whether it’s laboratory fees, equipment costs, or other unforeseen expenses, scholars can rely on the scholarship program to provide the necessary support.

Being one of the most sought-after scholarships in Canada, the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship offers a limited number of awards each year. With only 37 students being awarded this prestigious scholarship annually, recipients become part of an exclusive community of exceptional scholars.

Through the remarkable benefits it offers, the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship provides a unique opportunity for international students to pursue their dreams of studying at the University of Toronto without financial barriers.

Eligibility Criteria for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

To be considered for the prestigious Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at the University of Toronto, students must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Be international students or Canadian citizens studying at international high schools
  2. Be in their final year of secondary school
  3. Have graduated after May 2021 if already graduated
  4. Be first-entry undergraduates
  5. Not have started studying at any other post-secondary institution

These criteria ensure that the scholarship is awarded to exceptional students who demonstrate academic excellence and potential for leadership. It also ensures that the scholarship is accessible to international students who wish to pursue their undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto.

Previous Academic Achievement

A minimum level of academic achievement is required to be eligible for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. Students should have an outstanding academic record and demonstrate their commitment to learning and intellectual growth. Grades, course selection, and performance in relevant subjects are taken into consideration during the selection process.

“The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship is a highly competitive award that attracts exceptional students from around the world. We are looking for individuals who have not only excelled academically but have also shown leadership potential and a commitment to making a positive impact in their communities.” – University of Toronto

The scholarship program aims to support students who have the potential to make a significant difference in their chosen fields of study and become leaders in their communities and beyond.

Citizenship and Schooling Requirements

International students studying at international high schools and Canadian citizens studying at international high schools are eligible for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. This ensures that students from diverse backgrounds and nationalities are given equal opportunities to apply and benefit from this prestigious scholarship.

Application Process

The application process for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship requires students to be nominated by their school. Only one student per academic year can be nominated from each school. Students should reach out to their school counselor or principal to initiate the nomination process. Once nominated, students must apply to the University of Toronto through the OUAC Application before the specified deadlines.

By meeting the eligibility criteria and following the application process, students have the opportunity to compete for the prestigious Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, which provides full financial support for their undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto.

Application Process for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

Applying for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at the University of Toronto involves a two-step process: nomination by the school and submission of the application to the university. Here’s a breakdown of the application process:

  1. Nomination by School

To be considered for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, students must first be nominated by their school. It is important to note that each school can nominate only one student per academic year. If you meet the eligibility criteria for the scholarship, approach your school counselor or principal to initiate the nomination process. They will guide you through the necessary steps and provide you with the required forms or documentation.

“The Lester B. Pearson Scholarship offers an incredible opportunity for students to receive a fully funded education at the University of Toronto. To be nominated by your school is the first step towards realizing this dream.”

  1. Submission of Application

After receiving the nomination from your school, it is essential to complete the University of Toronto’s application process. To apply, you must submit your application through the OUAC (Ontario Universities’ Application Centre) Application before the specified deadlines. Ensure that you provide all the necessary information accurately and submit any supporting documents required to complete your application.

By following both steps of the application process, you increase your chances of being considered for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship at the University of Toronto.

About the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

Scholarship NameEligibilityAward
Lester B. Pearson ScholarshipInternational students or Canadian citizens studying at international high schools, in their final year of secondary school, first-entry undergraduates, not previously studied at any other post-secondary institutionFull-ride scholarship covering tuition fees, living expenses, book allowance, meals, transportation, and incidental costs for all four years of undergraduate studies

Deadlines for University of Toronto Scholarships

The University of Toronto offers various scholarships to support students in their academic pursuits. It is essential for prospective applicants to be aware of the deadlines associated with these scholarships to ensure they do not miss out on valuable opportunities for financial assistance.

One of the notable scholarships at the University of Toronto is the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship, available to international students. The deadline for school nomination for this scholarship is November 30, 2021. To be considered for this prestigious award, students must ensure that their school completes the nomination process before this deadline.

While the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship has a specific deadline, it is important to note that deadlines for other scholarships offered by the university may vary. To obtain accurate information on upcoming scholarship deadlines, interested students should visit the official website of the University of Toronto. The website will provide comprehensive details on each scholarship, including their respective deadlines and application procedures.

Here is an image related to scholarship opportunities at the University of Toronto:

Remember, staying informed about scholarship deadlines and taking timely action is crucial for maximizing your chances of securing financial aid at the University of Toronto. Ensure you submit your applications and complete all necessary requirements before the specified deadlines to avoid missing out on valuable opportunities.


The University of Toronto provides numerous financial aid opportunities through a variety of scholarships and grants, making education more accessible for students. To maximize their chances of receiving financial aid, prospective students should ensure they meet the eligibility criteria for the scholarships they are interested in and carefully adhere to the application process.

When applying for scholarships at the University of Toronto, it is crucial that students submit their applications on time and craft strong, compelling essays to showcase their academic achievements, leadership qualities, and community involvement. A well-written scholarship application can significantly increase the likelihood of receiving merit-based scholarships.

It is also important for students to be aware of the different deadlines for each scholarship. By staying organized and submitting applications before the specified deadlines, students can avoid missing out on potential financial aid opportunities.

By taking advantage of the financial aid opportunities at the University of Toronto, students can make their educational journey more affordable and accessible. With proper planning, careful attention to deadlines, and strong scholarship applications, students can increase their chances of receiving merit-based scholarships and pave the way for a successful academic career.

How can I apply for a University of Toronto scholarship?

To apply for a University of Toronto scholarship, you need to be nominated by your school for certain scholarships, such as the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship. For other scholarships, you may need to complete a separate application or awards profile. It is important to carefully follow the application process and meet the specified deadlines.

What are the eligibility criteria for University of Toronto scholarships?

The eligibility criteria for University of Toronto scholarships vary depending on the specific scholarship. They can be based on factors such as merit, financial need, community engagement, leadership, or athletic performance. Some scholarships have specific eligibility requirements, such as being a Canadian high school student or an international student studying at an international high school.

How can I increase my chances of receiving a University of Toronto scholarship?

You can increase your chances of receiving a University of Toronto scholarship by meeting the eligibility criteria, applying on time, and submitting strong applications. It is important to research the scholarships available, understand their requirements, and present your achievements and qualifications effectively in your application.

Are there any financial aid opportunities at the University of Toronto?

Yes, the University of Toronto offers a wide range of financial aid opportunities through scholarships and grants. These awards are non-repayable monetary awards that can help make your studies more affordable. It is recommended to explore the available funding opportunities and apply for scholarships for which you are eligible.

What are the deadlines for University of Toronto scholarship applications?

The deadlines for University of Toronto scholarship applications vary depending on the specific scholarship. For example, the school nomination deadline for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship is November 30, 2021. It is important to be aware of the deadlines for the scholarships you are interested in and ensure that you complete the application process before the specified dates.

How can I write a successful scholarship application for the University of Toronto?

To write a successful scholarship application for the University of Toronto, it is important to carefully read and understand the requirements of the scholarship. Take the time to showcase your achievements, qualifications, and experiences that align with the scholarship criteria. Additionally, ensure that your application is well-written, free of errors, and reflects your genuine passion and dedication.

How to get scholarships for University of Toronto?

To get scholarships for the University of Toronto, start by researching the various opportunities available through the university’s website and external sources. U of T offers a wide range of scholarships based on academic merit, financial need, leadership, and community involvement. Some notable scholarships include the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, the University of Toronto Scholars Program, and the President’s Scholars of Excellence Program. Be sure to review the eligibility criteria, application requirements, and deadlines for each scholarship and submit your applications well in advance.

Can I get into University of Toronto with a 90 average?

A 90% average is an excellent academic record and would make you a strong candidate for admission to the University of Toronto. However, admission to U of T is competitive, and meeting the minimum grade requirements does not guarantee acceptance. In addition to grades, the university considers factors such as the strength of your academic program, extracurricular activities, and supplementary application materials (if required). It’s essential to research the specific admission requirements for your desired program and ensure that you meet or exceed those expectations.

What is the deadline for Lester B Pearson scholarship?

The deadline for the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship at the University of Toronto varies depending on the year and the applicant’s school. Typically, students must submit their applications for admission to the university by the November deadline for their chosen program. The scholarship application itself is usually due in late January or early February. However, it’s crucial to check the official Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship website for the most up-to-date information on application deadlines and requirements.

What are the requirements for the U of T Book Award?

The University of Toronto Book Award is a merit-based award for outstanding students entering their first year of study at U of T. To be eligible for the award, students must:
Be nominated by their high school
Be admitted to the University of Toronto
Demonstrate exceptional academic achievement, with a minimum average of 90% or equivalent
Display strong leadership skills and community involvement The award includes a non-monetary book prize and a certificate of recognition. High schools can typically nominate one student per year for the U of T Book Award.

How to apply for 100% scholarship in Canada?

To apply for a 100% scholarship in Canada, follow these steps:
Research universities and external organizations that offer full scholarships aligned with your academic interests and background.
Review the eligibility criteria and application requirements for each scholarship.
Gather necessary documents, such as transcripts, test scores, essays, and letters of recommendation.
Submit your applications well before the deadlines, ensuring that you have completed all required components.
Apply to multiple scholarships to increase your chances of securing full funding. Some notable 100% scholarships in Canada include the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, and the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships.

Can I get 100 percent scholarship in University of Toronto?

Yes, it is possible to get a 100% scholarship at the University of Toronto, although these opportunities are highly competitive. The most notable full scholarship at U of T is the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, which covers tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years. This scholarship is awarded to exceptional international students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, creativity, and leadership potential. Other full scholarships may be available through external organizations or specific departments within the university.

Does U of T have entrance scholarships?

Yes, the University of Toronto offers several entrance scholarships for incoming students. These scholarships recognize academic excellence, leadership potential, and community involvement. Some notable entrance scholarships include:
University of Toronto Scholars Program
President’s Scholars of Excellence Program
National Scholarship Program
Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship (for international students) The value and number of scholarships awarded vary each year, and some may require a separate application in addition to the admissions application.
How much is the U of T National scholarship? The University of Toronto National Scholarship Program offers a range of awards for outstanding Canadian students entering their first year of undergraduate study. The value of these scholarships varies, with some covering full tuition and others providing a set amount. The most prestigious award within the National Scholarship Program is the Schulich Leader Scholarship, which provides $80,000 or $100,000 over four years for students pursuing studies in STEM fields. Other National Scholarships typically range from $1,000 to $10,000 per year.

Does BMO offer scholarships?

Yes, BMO (Bank of Montreal) offers several scholarships and awards for Canadian students. Some notable BMO scholarships include:
BMO Capital Markets Diversity Scholarship: Awarded to undergraduate students who identify as women, visible minorities, persons with disabilities, or Indigenous peoples. The scholarship value is $10,000 per year for up to four years.
BMO Financial Group Indigenous Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship: Awarded to Indigenous students entering their first year of post-secondary education. The scholarship value is $16,000 over four years.
BMO Financial Group Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship: Awarded to graduating high school students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance, leadership potential, and community involvement. The scholarship value is $16,000 over four years. To learn more about these scholarships and their application requirements, visit the BMO website or consult your school’s financial aid office.