Best Journalism Schools in Canada With Photos


Top Journalism Schools in Canada (With Photos)

Is it your passion to keep the community (maybe the whole world) informed of what goes on in the community and around the globe, day in and day out? If you believe yourself to have the gift of gab and the knack for the written


word, then a degree in Journalism will suit you well.

In this article series, will provide you an in-depth overview of the best journalism schools in Canada and what it takes to earn a journalism degree in Canada.

With the many aspiring journalists out there, how can you set yourself apart to become the eventual ‘rare’ needle in the haystack? You have to start with a good foundation, of course! That is where the importance of enrolling in one of the best journalism school in Canada – Carleton University – gets into the picture.

Journalism at Carleton

Like wine, Journalism, which is one of the oldest courses in Carleton, gets better and better every year.

The 4-year course tackles the basics of journalistic literacy and writing, basic reporting, media law, institutional function and structure, radio and television broadcasting, newspaper and online journalism, multimedia journalism and critical analysis. Apprenticeships and internships in respectable institutions also await Carleton students.

For more than six decades, numerous Carleton graduates have made impressive marks in the field of Journalism, such as CNN Correspondent Paula Newton, CBC Correspondent Nahlah Ayed, and former Globe and Mail editor-in-chief Edward Greenspon.

One of the Best

There are several universities that offer journalism programs, but Carleton University has one of the best, according to several studies. In fact, the university’s Communications and Media Studies department ranks in the 151-200 league, according to the 2013 survey of Quacquarelli Symonds (


Only the best and the brightest are admitted in Carleton.

Housed within the Faculty of Public Affairs, Journalism was one of the first six degrees awarded to Carleton University during its convocation in 1946. It bears a distinct ‘institutional’ status, which means it is ‘very-well respected’ and has higher admission requirements (85-88% cut off) compared to other courses.

The development of the student’s skills is emphasized.

Even if you claim to be the best journalist in your area, Carleton University pushes you to aspire better and


reach greater heights. In this regard, students are honed carefully in order to improve their grammatical fluency, structure understanding, to name a few.

Students truly understand the role of the media in the society.

Journalists are just not ‘writers,’ they have a huge responsibility to the society. They keep them informed and enlightened about pressing national and global issues. Because of this focus, Carleton students know what it takes to be a true ‘responsible journalist.’

Journalism students get to enjoy broad-based education.

Unlike other universities that focus solely on communication studies, Carleton’s School of Journalism believes in the provision of broad-based education. In this light, its students are required to earn four credits in Business, English, Law, History, Political Science or Religion to give them the ‘edge’ amongst many journalist wannabes.

Carleton Journalism graduates are competently bilingual, if not multilingual.

A requirement for Journalism majors before graduation is competency in a second language. While your choice might be French (the Canadian lingua franca,) you can also opt for other dialects, such as Spanish, Chinese, Italian, etc.

The School of Journalism offers apprenticeships and internships in major communication institutions in Canada and the world.

Real-world experience is one of the best ways for you to apply your theoretical knowledge of Journalism. Carleton provides such opportunities to its students with its internships and apprenticeships at CTV, CBC, Citizen, to name a few.


Students have unlimited access to top notch technology and facilities.

In these modern times, proficiency in new technology will give you an edge above the others. This is one thing Carleton journo students get to enjoy, since they are provided access to fully-furnished computerized reporting labs, dedicated studios and newsrooms (TV, newspaper, radio and online publications), as well as digital cameras and editing facilities for TV journalism students.

Carleton U offers several scholarship programs for deserving students.

If your parents have inadvertently spent your college funds, it does not mean that your dreams of being a world-renowned journalist should be put on the wayside. Even if you are faced with financial problems here and there, you can support your education at Carleton by applying for any of these bursaries or scholarship grants:

  • John Bird Memorial Scholarship
  • Dennis Bueckert Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Journalism
  • Canwest/Don McGilivray Scholarship
  • CHIN/CJLL Radio Scholarship in Journalism
  • CTV Scholarship in Broadcast Journalism
  • The Anne Donaldson Memorial Scholarship

For the complete list of awards, bursaries, and scholarships for journalism students visit the Carleton Awards & Scholarships page.

Feedback from Students

We asked several Carleton students what they thought about their journalism degree in Canada and this is what they had to say:

“The resources at Carleton’s School of Journalism are incredible…this school provides every tool and technique necessary to become a world-class journalist.”

“The program is very competitive!”

“Excellent facilities and great location!”

Advantages and Disadvantages of Journalism at Carleton

In order to make the best decision for your undergraduate education, you need to know the pros and cons of each institution. If you are still confused as what to pick, then here are the facts and truths that can help you determine why Carleton University is your best choice for Journalism school.


Honor and distinction. Being educated in one of the best journalism schools in Canada gives you the chance to be one of the best.

Broad-based education. Not only will you learn Journalism, this educational path broadens your horizons as well.

Availability of first-class journalism technology. Students get to hone their skills over the common technologies used in the field of communications.

Numerous scholarship grants and bursaries available. Do not let financial problems stop you from pursuing tertiary education as there are several funding options available for Carleton U Journ students.


Strict admission requirements. It might be hard to get into the School of Journalism, but if you have managed to hurdle through these stringent requirements, then it means you have what it takes to be a world-class journalist!

As an aspiring journalist, you need to live up to the community’s expectations of being its watchdog, reporter and informer. With Carleton School of Journalism’s quality education, comprehensive resources and internship opportunities, it proves to be the best institution for wishful Journalists in Canada – and the rest of the world!


  1. Best Journalism Schools In Canada – Part 1
  2. Best Journalism Schools In Canada – Part 2
  3. Best Journalism Schools In Canada – Part 3