Skills to Put on a Resume

I have been receiving several emails with similar questions:

  • “What Skills should I put on a resume?”
  • “What are the best skills that employers are looking for?”
  • “Need some advice on the types of skills to put on a resume.”

Essentially, skills are an important part of any resume because they display the qualities that the applicant can bring to the organization. It is frowned upon to simply put a skill on your Resume that you don’t adequately possess, because while you may get the interview – you will not get the job.

Skills to Put on a Resume 1: Communication Skills

This is an imperative skill to have in practically any job. You must be able to effectively communicate with others (manager, customers, co-workers). Demonstrate this skill on your resume by highlighting instances where you worked in teams. This can include school projects, sports teams, and volunteer positions.

Skills to Put on a Resume 2: Leadership Skills

You don’t have to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to be considered a leader; a leader can be anyone that actively works with others towards a goal while maintaining good team synergy. Companies look for Leadership Skills in individuals by looking at an individuals team accomplishments and how active of a role you played within that team. This can be portrayed by highlighting your achievements in a team like setting. 

Skills to Put on a Resume 3: Work Ethic

An essential skill to put on a resume is work ethic, this is important because you want to show the employer that you are an individual that can stay on task and can meet deadlines. Do this on your resume by highlighting any time that you completed a task ahead of time or took on a larger work load because you completed tasks ahead of schedule. 

Skills to Put on a Resume 4: Team Work 

Another essential skill to put on a resume is Team Work; employers want to hire someone that can work with others towards a common goal. Moreover, Team Work examples show that you possess other qualities as well, like Leadership, Communication and Interpersonal skills. 

Skills to Put on a Resume 5: Analytical/ Problem Solving

Technical knowledge within ones field is not an essential skill that employers are looking for because employers offer training, but it can certainly put you ahead of other applicants and land you the job. Try to show that you have taken an active interest in learning your chosen field. For example, doing a local businesses book keeping if you are pursuing accounting or teaching something at a local community centre – if you are pursuing teaching.

Incorporate these 5 Skills into your resume and you will have a higher chance in securing an interview. Before your interview, remember to go over your skills and spit them out during your interview, this will show the employer that you are the perfect person for the position they are hiring for.···

Other Articles:

    What NOT to do on a resume – 2010 Revised Edition. click here·
    Make Your Resume Stand Out. click here

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