Top Veterinary Schools in Ontario for Aspiring Vets

veterinary schools in ontario

Are you passionate about animal care and dream of becoming a veterinarian? Ontario offers some of the top veterinary schools in Canada, providing accredited programs for aspiring vets. Whether you’re interested in veterinary medicine, becoming a veterinary technician, or pursuing a career in animal care, these schools have you covered. But which are the best veterinary schools in Ontario? Let’s explore and discover the top choices for your veterinary education.

Table of Content

Key Takeaways:

  • Ontario offers premier veterinary schools with accredited programs for aspiring veterinarians.
  • These schools provide a range of veterinary programs, including veterinary technician training and animal care programs.
  • The top veterinary schools in Ontario provide comprehensive veterinary medicine degrees.
  • Choosing the right veterinary school is crucial for your education and future career as a veterinarian.
  • Stay tuned to discover the top veterinary schools in Ontario and find the perfect fit for your aspirations.

Discover Vet School: Experience a Day in the Life of a Veterinary Student

The Ontario Veterinary College hosts an annual event called Discover Vet School, which provides an opportunity for aspiring veterinarians to experience a day in the life of a veterinary student. This three-day lecture and lab series covers various topics in veterinary medicine and animal science. It is open to high school students, undergraduates considering veterinary medicine, and animal lovers of all ages. The event is delivered by faculty, veterinarians, staff, alumni, and student veterinarians from the Ontario Veterinary College, covering subjects such as small animals, large animals, wildlife, marine mammals, emergency medicine, shelter medicine, and One Health. Attendees can participate in one, two, or all three days of the event.

Event Highlights

  • Interactive lectures and hands-on labs
  • Insights into various aspects of veterinary medicine and animal science
  • Engaging discussions with experienced faculty and veterinarians
  • Opportunities to connect with current student veterinarians
  • Explore different specialties within the field of veterinary medicine
  • Learn about the One Health approach to animal and human health

“Discover Vet School is the perfect opportunity to gain practical insights into the veterinary profession and make informed decisions about pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. It’s an immersive experience that offers a glimpse into the rigorous training and diverse opportunities available in the field.”- Dr. Samantha Johnson, DVM

Whether you’re a high school student considering a future in veterinary medicine or an undergraduate exploring your options, Discover Vet School at the Ontario Veterinary College is an invaluable experience. From lectures on cutting-edge research to hands-on labs, this event provides a comprehensive overview of the field. Don’t miss your chance to discover the thrill and challenges of being a veterinary student!

Veterinary Medicine Programs in Ontario

Ontario offers a range of veterinary medicine programs at different degree levels. Aspiring veterinarians can pursue their passion for animal care and veterinary sciences through various educational pathways.

Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Sciences

bachelor’s degree in veterinary sciences provides a strong foundation in the field of veterinary medicine. This undergraduate program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers essential topics such as animal anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology. Students gain a solid understanding of veterinary sciences, preparing them for further specialization or advanced study.

Master’s Degree in Veterinary Medicine

For individuals seeking advanced education and specialization in veterinary medicine, a master’s degree program is an excellent option. This graduate-level program allows students to delve deeper into specific areas of interest, such as equine medicine, small animal surgery, or public health. A master’s degree in veterinary medicine opens up opportunities for research, teaching, and advanced clinical practice.

PhD Programs for Advanced Research

PhD programs in veterinary medicine are designed for individuals who aspire to contribute to the field through advanced research. These programs provide an immersive academic environment where students can pursue their scientific interests, conduct groundbreaking research, and further expand the knowledge base in veterinary sciences. Graduates of PhD programs typically pursue careers in academia, research institutions, or industry.

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program

The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program is the pinnacle of veterinary medicine education. This comprehensive graduate-level program focuses on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for a successful career as a licensed veterinarian. The DVM program offers extensive clinical training, equipping students with the expertise to provide excellent care to animals of all sizes and species. Graduates of the DVM program are eligible to pursue a wide range of career paths, including small animal practice, large animal medicine, research, public health, and more.

Bachelor’s in Veterinary Medicine

bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine is the first step towards a rewarding career in veterinary sciences. This program provides aspiring veterinarians with a comprehensive foundation in both basic sciences and specialized veterinary coursework. Students enrolled in a bachelor’s program in veterinary medicine can expect to study a diverse range of subjects that are essential for understanding and caring for animals.

The curriculum of a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine is designed to provide students with a strong scientific background. Foundational courses in biology and chemistry lay the groundwork for more advanced studies in animal anatomy, physiology, and pathology. These courses are essential for developing a deep understanding of animal health and welfare.

In addition to the core science courses, the curriculum also includes specialized classes that focus on specific aspects of veterinary medicine. These may include topics such as:

  • Animal welfare and ethics
  • Animal behavior and psychology
  • Genetics and hereditary diseases
  • Microbiology and infectious diseases

These specialized courses provide students with a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and considerations involved in caring for animals.

In order to gain practical experience and apply their knowledge in real-world settings, students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine often have the opportunity to participate in internships or co-op experiences. These experiences can take place in veterinary clinics, research laboratories, or animal shelters, allowing students to develop hands-on skills and gain exposure to different areas of veterinary care.

Completing a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine is often a prerequisite for applying to a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program. A strong undergraduate education in veterinary sciences prepares students for the rigorous coursework and clinical training required to become licensed veterinarians.

A bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine provides a solid academic foundation in both basic sciences and specialized veterinary coursework. With a curriculum that covers animal welfare, animal psychology, genetics, and more, students are well-prepared for advanced studies and future veterinary practice.

Master’s in Veterinary Medicine

master’s degree in veterinary medicine provides veterinarians with the opportunity for advanced education and specialization in specific areas of the field. These programs allow students to deepen their knowledge, conduct research, and develop expertise in areas such as public health, wildlife health, food safety, epidemiology, and more.

Master’s programs in veterinary medicine offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers advanced topics in veterinary medicine, animal science, and public health. Students can expect to dive deeper into subjects like diagnostic techniques, disease prevention, animal nutrition, epidemiology, and advanced surgical procedures. The emphasis is placed on developing critical thinking skills and research abilities to contribute to the advancement of veterinary medicine.

There are two main types of master’s programs in veterinary medicine: thesis-based and course-based.

Thesis-Based Programs

In a thesis-based program, students are required to conduct original research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. This research culminates in the completion of a thesis, which presents their findings and contributes new insights to the field of veterinary medicine. Thesis-based programs are ideal for students who are interested in pursuing a career in research or academia.

Course-Based Programs

Course-based programs, on the other hand, focus on coursework and practical training rather than original research. Students take a variety of advanced courses that delve into specific areas of veterinary medicine. These programs are designed to enhance practical skills and provide in-depth knowledge of specialized topics. Course-based programs are well-suited for veterinarians who want to deepen their expertise in a particular area of veterinary medicine.

Both thesis-based and course-based master’s programs offer valuable opportunities for veterinarians to advance their careers. Graduates of these programs are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in a variety of roles, including research positions, specialized clinical practice, teaching, and public health.

Whether you’re interested in conducting groundbreaking research or developing specialized expertise in a specific field, pursuing a master’s degree in veterinary medicine can open doors to exciting career opportunities and contribute to the advancement of the veterinary profession.

PhD in Veterinary Medicine

PhD programs in veterinary medicine offer advanced research and academic training for individuals who aspire to become experts in various aspects of veterinary science. These programs provide opportunities for in-depth research, innovation, and the development of specialized knowledge to advance the field. Applicants must hold a master’s degree in a related field and submit a research proposal as part of the application requirements.

PhD programs in veterinary medicine are designed for those who seek to make significant contributions to the field through advanced research and specialized knowledge. These programs provide a platform for aspiring researchers to explore emerging areas of veterinary science and contribute to academic advancements. Students in PhD programs have the opportunity to work closely with experienced faculty and researchers, gaining valuable mentorship and guidance throughout their studies.

The rigorous curriculum of a PhD program in veterinary medicine often includes a combination of coursework, seminars, and independent research. Students delve into specific research areas and develop expertise in their chosen field. They learn advanced research methodologies, data analysis techniques, and scientific writing skills. The culmination of their studies is the completion of a research project or dissertation, which contributes new knowledge to the field.

Benefits of a PhD in Veterinary MedicineRequirements for Admission
Opportunity to conduct advanced researchDevelopment of specialized knowledgeContribution to the advancement of veterinary sciencePotential for collaboration with leading experts in the fieldPrestigious career opportunities in academia, research, and industryMaster’s degree in a related fieldStrong academic recordLetters of recommendationStatement of purposeResearch proposalGraduate Record Examination (GRE) scores

PhD graduates in veterinary medicine go on to pursue diverse career paths. Many become university professors, conducting research, teaching future veterinarians, and contributing to the academic community. Others work in research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, or veterinary clinics, leading innovative projects and advancing the field of veterinary medicine.

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program is a comprehensive graduate-level program that prepares students for careers as licensed veterinarians. This program is widely regarded as one of the most popular routes for studying veterinary medicine in Canada.

The DVM curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in veterinary practice. It covers a wide range of subjects essential for veterinary medicine, including:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Pharmacology
  • Pathology
  • Parasitology
  • Small and Large Animal Medicine and Surgery

Clinical rotations are a significant component of the DVM program, offering students valuable practical experience in various settings. Through these rotations, students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios, gaining hands-on experience under the guidance of experienced veterinarians.

After completing the DVM degree, graduates are eligible to write the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) to become licensed veterinarians in Canada. This licensing examination ensures that veterinarians possess the necessary knowledge and skills to provide quality care to animals and the community.

Overall, the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program equips aspiring veterinarians with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed for a successful career in veterinary medicine.

Table: Comparison of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Programs in Ontario

UniversityDegree ProgramDurationTuition Fee (per year)
University of GuelphDoctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)4 years$18,000 – $24,000
University of MontrealDoctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)5 years$8,000 – $13,000 (Quebec residents), $23,000 – $27,000 (non-Quebec residents)
University of CalgaryDoctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)4 years$18,000 – $22,000
University of AlbertaDoctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)4 years$16,000 – $27,000 (Canadian residents), $36,000 – $53,000 (international students)
University of Prince Edward IslandDoctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)4 years$13,000 (Atlantic Canadian residents), $42,000 (non-Atlantic residents)
University of SaskatchewanDoctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)4 years$16,000 – $21,000 (Canadian residents), $42,000 (international students)

Scholarships in Veterinary Medicine

While scholarships for international students pursuing veterinary medicine in Canada may be limited, there are some opportunities available. Canadian government scholarshipsinstitutional scholarshipsexternal scholarships, and international student associations may offer financial support for veterinary students. Additionally, veterinary associations or organizations may provide scholarships or grants to students pursuing veterinary studies in Canada. It’s important to research and reach out to potential scholarship providers for detailed information on eligibility and application requirements.Obtaining a scholarship can help alleviate the financial burden of veterinary school and enable students to focus on their studies and practical training. Scholarships provide recognition for academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, and dedication to the field of veterinary medicine.

Types of Scholarships in Veterinary Medicine

  • Canadian Government Scholarships: The Canadian government offers various scholarships and grants to domestic and international students pursuing higher education, including veterinary medicine. These scholarships may be merit-based, need-based, or program-specific.
  • Institutional Scholarships: Many universities and colleges in Canada have their own scholarship programs to support students in their academic journey. These scholarships may be based on academic excellence, community involvement, leadership qualities, or financial need.
  • External Scholarships: External organizations or foundations may provide scholarships specifically for veterinary students. These scholarships can be based on specific criteria such as specialization, research interests, or career goals.
  • International Student AssociationsInternational student associations may offer scholarships or financial assistance to international students studying veterinary medicine in Canada. These associations aim to support the educational and career development of international students.
  • Veterinary Associations: Professional veterinary associations or organizations may have scholarship programs to support aspiring veterinarians. These scholarships may be based on academic achievement, research potential, or involvement in veterinary and animal welfare activities.

Example of Scholarships in Veterinary Medicine

Scholarship NameProviderEligibility CriteriaAmount
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) ScholarshipsCVMACVMA student members in good standing and enrolled in a veterinary medicine program$1,000 – $5,000
Judy MacDonald Bayer Scholarship in Veterinary MedicineBayer Inc.Canadian veterinary students with a demonstrated interest in small animal medicine$5,000
Ontario Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA) ScholarshipsOVMAOntario veterinary students with exemplary academic performance and community involvement$1,000 – $2,500

These are just a few examples of scholarships available in veterinary medicine. It’s important to thoroughly research and explore all possible scholarship opportunities. Contact the scholarship providers directly for the most up-to-date information on eligibility requirements and application procedures.

Jobs and Careers in Veterinary Medicine

Graduates of veterinary medicine programs in Ontario have various career options to consider. They can pursue careers as veterinarians in clinical practice, specializing in areas such as wildlife health, pathology, or zoo medicine. Other career paths include research scientistfood safety inspectorpublic health veterinarianequine veterinarian, and opportunities in academia or the pharmaceutical industry. The choice of career depends on individual interests and career goals.

CareerJob Description
VeterinarianVeterinarians diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries in animals. They provide medical care, perform surgeries, and advise on preventative measures. Specializations can include wildlife health, pathology, or zoo medicine.
Research ScientistResearch scientists work on advancing veterinary medicine by conducting experiments, analyzing data, and discovering new treatments, medications, and techniques.
PathologistPathologists specialize in studying the causes and effects of diseases in animals. They analyze samples and conduct autopsies to identify and understand diseases.
Zoo VeterinarianZoo veterinarians provide medical care to animals in zoos and wildlife parks. They ensure the health and well-being of various species, perform surgeries, and advise on nutrition and habitat.
Food Safety InspectorFood safety inspectors ensure that food products from animals meet health and safety standards. They inspect animals and animal products to prevent the spread of diseases and ensure proper handling and processing.
Public Health VeterinarianPublic health veterinarians focus on protecting and promoting human health. They study diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans, develop prevention strategies, and educate the public on disease control.
Equine VeterinarianEquine veterinarians specialize in providing medical care to horses. They diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries, perform surgeries, and offer preventative care and advice to horse owners.
AcademiaIn academia, veterinarians can work as professors, researchers, or administrators in veterinary schools or research institutions. They contribute to education, mentor students, and conduct research in their areas of expertise.
Pharmaceutical IndustryVeterinarians can work in the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to the development and testing of medications and treatments for animals. They collaborate with research teams and ensure the safety and effectiveness of veterinary products.

As the demand for veterinary medicine continues to grow, these careers offer opportunities to make a positive impact on animal health and welfare. Whether you’re passionate about clinical practice, research, or contributing to public health, a career in veterinary medicine in Ontario can be fulfilling and rewarding.

Salaries in Veterinary Medicine

Salaries in veterinary medicine can vary greatly based on factors such as experience and specialization. Entry-level veterinarians typically earn lower salaries compared to their more experienced counterparts. The salary range for veterinary professionals is influenced by various factors, including the type of practice or organization they work for, their geographic location, and their area of specialization.

Entry-level veterinarians can expect to earn around CAD 63,000 per year on average. However, it’s important to note that salaries can start as low as CAD 45,000 per year for some entry-level positions, while others may offer higher starting salaries of around CAD 80,000 per year.

As veterinarians gain experience and expertise in their field, their earning potential tends to increase. Veterinarians with several years of experience can earn salaries ranging from CAD 95,000 to CAD 137,000 per year.

Specializing in specific areas of veterinary medicine can also contribute to higher salaries. Veterinarians who specialize in disciplines such as animal surgery, internal medicine, radiology, dermatology, or pathology often earn higher salaries due to their specialized expertise and the demand for their services.

Here is an overview of the salary range for veterinarians:

Experience LevelSalary Range
Entry-level veterinariansCAD 45,000 – CAD 80,000 per year
Experienced veterinariansCAD 95,000 – CAD 137,000 per year

It’s important to note that salaries can vary based on individual circumstances and the specific region or city where veterinarians practice. Additionally, salaries may be influenced by market conditions and the demand for veterinary services in a given area.

Top Universities to Study Veterinary Medicine in Ontario

Ontario is home to several top-ranked universities that offer exceptional veterinary medicine programs. These universities provide aspiring veterinarians with comprehensive training, academic excellence, and practical experience. Here are some of the top vet schools in Ontario:

University of GuelphGuelph, Ontario
University of MontrealMontreal, Quebec
University of CalgaryCalgary, Alberta
University of AlbertaEdmonton, Alberta
University of Prince Edward IslandCharlottetown, Prince Edward Island
University of SaskatchewanSaskatoon, Saskatchewan

These universities are known for their exceptional veterinary programs, renowned faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and strong focus on practical training. Students at these institutions benefit from access to cutting-edge research, clinical opportunities, and a supportive learning environment. Pursuing veterinary medicine at any of these top universities in Ontario will provide aspiring veterinarians with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their careers.

Discover Vet School: Dates, Location, and Pricing

Discover Vet School is a two-day series of lectures and labs held at the Ontario Veterinary College. This exciting event offers aspiring veterinarians a unique opportunity to learn about veterinary medicine and experience a day in the life of a veterinary student.

The program is held on specific dates throughout the year, with sessions usually scheduled in January and March. It’s essential to check the program dates in advance to plan your attendance accordingly.

Tickets for Discover Vet School can be purchased at various price points, accommodating different budgets and preferences. Special holiday pricing may also be available, so keep an eye out for any seasonal promotions.

The event takes place at the prestigious Ontario Veterinary College, situated in Guelph, Ontario. This location provides an ideal setting for participants to immerse themselves in the world of veterinary medicine and gain valuable insights from experienced professionals in the field.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to discover the world of veterinary medicine. Join us at Discover Vet School and embark on a journey towards a rewarding career in animal health.

T-Shirt Fundraiser for Global Vets

As part of the Discover Vet School event, we are excited to announce a t-shirt fundraiser to support Global Vets, an organization dedicated to promoting international collaboration on animal health, agricultural development, and ecosystem health. By purchasing a t-shirt, you can contribute to this worthy cause and show your support for Global Vets.

The t-shirts feature unique designs and are available in various sizes to suit your preference. Whether you’re an aspiring veterinarian, a current student, or simply a lover of animals, these t-shirts are a great way to express your passion and contribute to a meaningful cause.

All proceeds from the t-shirt sales go directly towards funding the Global Vets program, which enables student veterinarians to participate in valuable experiences and contribute to animal welfare on a global scale.

To get your hands on these exclusive Discover Vet School t-shirts and support Global Vets, simply purchase your preferred design at the event. The t-shirts will be available for pickup on the day of Discover Vet School, ensuring you can start proudly wearing your new t-shirt right away.

Show your support for Global Vets and wear your passion for veterinary medicine with pride. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to contribute to a great cause and take home an exclusive memento from Discover Vet School.

About Global Vets

Global Vets is a program under the International Veterinary Medicine Club that focuses on promoting international collaboration in animal health, agricultural development, and ecosystem health. The program aims to enhance working relationships between Canadian veterinarians and their colleagues in developing regions of the world. By sharing knowledge, expertise, and resources, Global Vets strives to improve animal health and welfare on a global scale.

Through the Global Vets program, student veterinarians have the opportunity to contribute to animal health and welfare globally. This invaluable experience allows them to apply their veterinary skills and knowledge in diverse settings, addressing the unique challenges faced in different regions. By working alongside local veterinarians and communities, they can make a significant impact on the well-being of animals and agricultural development.

“Global Vets gives student veterinarians the chance to expand their horizons, develop a global perspective, and make a positive difference in the world of veterinary medicine.”

The Global Vets program is made possible by the support and proceeds from events like Discover Vet School. By participating in Discover Vet School, individuals contribute directly to the Global Vets program, enabling student veterinarians to engage in international collaborations and make a meaningful impact on animal health, agricultural development, and ecosystem health worldwide.

Global Vets Program Overview:

Key Focus AreasActivities
Animal Health and Welfare– Providing veterinary care in underserved communities
– Conducting spay/neuter clinics and vaccination campaigns
– Educating local communities on animal health and welfare best practices
Agricultural Development– Assisting with livestock management and disease control
– Implementing sustainable farming practices
– Training local farmers on animal husbandry techniques
Ecosystem Health– Monitoring and protecting wildlife populations
– Collaborating on conservation initiatives
– Researching and addressing environmental challenges


Pursuing a career in veterinary medicine is an exciting and fulfilling path that requires a strong educational foundation. In Ontario, aspiring veterinarians have access to top-notch veterinary programs, such as those offered at the renowned Ontario Veterinary College. These programs provide comprehensive training and hands-on experience, preparing students for a wide range of opportunities in the field.

Studying veterinary medicine in Ontario opens doors to various career paths, including clinical practice, research, academia, and public health. By choosing one of the top veterinary schools in Ontario, aspiring vets can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to make a positive impact on the health and welfare of animals.

Whether you’re passionate about working with companion animals, wildlife, or livestock, Ontario’s veterinary schools offer diverse and specialized education programs to suit your interests. With the exceptional resources and faculty available at the Ontario Veterinary College, you can embark on a successful career in veterinary medicine, making a difference in the lives of animals and their owners.

What programs do veterinary schools in Ontario offer?

Veterinary schools in Ontario offer a range of programs, including veterinary technician training, animal care programs, and veterinary medicine degrees.

What is Discover Vet School?

Discover Vet School is an annual event hosted by the Ontario Veterinary College, where aspiring veterinarians can experience a day in the life of a veterinary student through lectures and lab sessions.

What degree levels are available in veterinary medicine programs in Ontario?

Ontario offers bachelor’s degrees in veterinary sciences, master’s degrees in veterinary medicine or related fields, PhD programs for advanced research, and the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program.

What does a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine include?

A bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine includes foundational science courses like biology and chemistry, as well as specialized courses related to veterinary medicine.

What does a master’s degree in veterinary medicine offer?

A master’s degree in veterinary medicine offers advanced education and specialization opportunities in specific areas of veterinary medicine or related disciplines.

What does a PhD in veterinary medicine entail?

PhD in veterinary medicine provides advanced research and academic training for individuals aspiring to become experts in various aspects of veterinary science.

What is the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program?

The DVM program is a comprehensive graduate-level program that prepares students for careers as licensed veterinarians.

Are there scholarships available for international students pursuing veterinary medicine in Ontario?

While scholarships for international students in veterinary medicine in Canada may be limited, there are opportunities available through various sources, such as the Canadian government, institutions, and associations.

What career options are available for graduates of veterinary medicine programs in Ontario?

Graduates of veterinary medicine programs in Ontario can pursue careers as veterinarians in clinical practice, research scientists, food safety inspectors, public health veterinarians, equine veterinarians, and more.

What are the salary ranges for veterinarians in Ontario?

Salaries in veterinary medicine can vary depending on experience and specialization, with entry-level veterinarians starting around CAD 63,000 per year and experienced veterinarians earning between CAD 95,000 and CAD 137,000 per year.

Which universities in Ontario offer top veterinary medicine programs?

The University of GuelphUniversity of MontrealUniversity of CalgaryUniversity of AlbertaUniversity of Prince Edward Island, and University of Saskatchewan are among the top choices for studying veterinary medicine in Ontario.

What is Discover Vet School and when is it held?

Discover Vet School is a two-day event at the Ontario Veterinary College, offering lectures and labs for aspiring veterinarians. It is usually held in January and March.

How can I support Global Vets through Discover Vet School?

Discover Vet School offers a t-shirt fundraiser, where participants can purchase t-shirts with various designs, and the proceeds go towards funding the Global Vets program.

What is Global Vets?

Global Vets is a program that promotes collaboration on animal health, agricultural development, and ecosystem health. Discover Vet School supports the Global Vets program.

What are the career prospects in veterinary medicine after studying in Ontario?

Studying veterinary medicine in Ontario opens up various opportunities in clinical practice, research, academia, and public health, providing a fulfilling and rewarding career dedicated to animal health and welfare.