After a lot of tweaking, and editing, I have finally got a job! I have narrowed it down to 5 things that have made my Cover Letter stand out.
First, a study conducted by Times Magazine concluded that 62% of applicants believed that the Cover Letter was not important from an employer’s point of view. This is absolutely shocking because, the Cover Letter is just as, if not more important than the Resume. The Cover Letter is your chance to convey your interest for the position and to display why you are the best person for that job.
Tip #1 – Use a variety of Templates.
Go ahead – use templates, there is nothing wrong with that. You can find plenty of Cover Letter templates on the internet today. Infact, you can find many of the really good ones – right here on this site. Just
remember, a template is exactly that a “Template”, use it as a resource to start you off, but don’t let it be your finished product. Personalize it by adding your experience, job description, volunteer work etc and give it your own personal touch. Don’t get stuck on using just one cover letter template, use a variety of templates and pick out the good points that you like on each one and incorporate it into your Cover Letter.
Tip # 2- Personalize Your Cover Letter by Reading The Job Description.
It is important that you read the job description carefully; I always recommend that you print it out and highlight the most important points. These points can assist you while you are making your Cover Letter. Most applicants have one template cover letter that they shoot out to every employer they see – don’t make that mistake. Know what the employer is looking for and incorporate how you demonstrated those skills in your Cover Letter. The employer will know that you did your home work and will invite you in for an interview.
Tip #3 – Attention Grabbing Opener
Most Cover Letters, open with something along the lines of “I saw this job description in the news paper and am applying to this position…” Most HR Managers only spend about 15 seconds reviewing your
application – then why would you waste the first 5 seconds by making him/ her read where you found the job post….cut to the chase and grab the attention of the HR Manager by saying something along the lines of “I have 4 years experience working for a Top 4 Accounting Firm”.
Tip #4 – Build Rapport by Showing Personality
Your Cover Letter is your chance to show case why you are the best for the position being offered – don’t spoil it by sounding like a robot. Don’t take this tip too literally – no jokes, no slangs and especially no lol’s or internet verbage.
Tip #5 – Don’t Overdo it
Don’t make your cover letters too long because no one will read it, take the time to make a cover letter that is short, concise and to the point. Cover Letters start to get too long when applicants start summarizing their resume, don’t make this mistake. Why would an HR Manager want to see your resume in sentence form when they are going to see it in point form on the next page?
Overall, don’t be afraid to use templates to start you off, just remember, a template is exactly that a “Template”, use it as a resource to start you off, but don’t let it be your finished product. Ensure that you read the job description carefully and incorporate the key skills that the employer is looking for in your Cover Letter. Moreover, don’t waste the opener of your Cover Letter by writing something dull – show who you are and what you can bring to the company right off the bat. Lastly, ensure that your cover letter is not too long and try to write your Cover Letter in conversational style.