
Careers Articles.

The 5 Best Cover Letter Tips That I’ve Used to Successfully Land a Job. After a lot of tweaking, editing, reviewing and scouring the internet for Cover Letter Tips, I have finally got a job! After all the searching I have narrowed it down to 5 things that have made my Cover Letter stand out….

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Campus Life Articles

Get a Girlfriend In The First Week of College/ University – 5 Sureshot Techniques: This article will walk you through 5 essential techniques that every university freshman must know. Let me begin by saying that I am not an expert in this field, however I have had tremendous success with women by following the simple…

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University Rankings Articles

The Best & Worst Party Universities in Canada: Canadian Universities are known for their high academic standards and excellence in developing strong leaders – but what about fun? Click here to find out The Best & Worst Party Universities in Canada. The Top 5 Business Schools in Canada (Under Graduate): Overall, Canadian universities are well…

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