Best Psychology Programs in Canada – Part 1

Leading Psychology Programs in Canada – Part 1 

This article series explore the best psychology programs in canada. Starting with University of Toronto’s Psychology Program. Article series parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Picture this: you are out for lunch. You were about to take a bite of your hotdog sandwich when suddenly, a hobo on the street started cursing out loud, telling people walking by that the world is about to end.

People on the street are getting out of the way, some running back to their offices, afraid of what the hobo is all about to do. And while the rest are cowering in fear and walking the other way, you find yourself in the same place

still – pondering, thinking, what could have caused this man to go berserk? In the midst of everything that has been going on, you are still there, observing his every move, analyzing his every word – thinking of ways of how you can help him.

If you see things this way, then it looks like you are meant for a world that involves the diagnosis and treatment of the intricacies of the mind!

With that being said, the best way you can become a renowned Psychologist is to learn from one of the best schools in the country: the University of Toronto (U of T.)

Backgrounder – University of Toronto Psychology Program

Established in 1827, the University of Toronto has long been one of the forerunners and leaders when it comes to world-class Canadian education. It was in 1891 when the Psychology Department was started in the University, many thanks to the effort of Mark James Baldwin, who founded the pioneering U of T laboratory – the first of its kind in the entire British Commonwealth.

Six years later, August Kirschmann arrived to the University with the mission of expanding the laboratory and widening the knowledge base of its instructors and students. As time progressed, the department was filled with expert educators and complete facilities for practice. Thus, it was named an independent department in 1926.

What sets University of Toronto’s Psychology Program Apart?

With the many Canadian universities that offer graduate and undergraduate degrees in Psychology, the University

of Toronto remains to be the best because of the following factors:

The university offers research-based BSc programs.

Most schools focus on the clinical approach. However, at the U of T, the focus is on the biological and experimental approaches. The course outline is based on the Life Sciences, unlike other institutions that center on the Social Sciences.

According to experts, a BSc degree in Psychology is better because it provides students with more learning and work opportunities, given its focus on the biological and physical sciences. With that being said, U of T’s BSc program is recommended for students who wish to pursue scientific careers – such as clinical practice and research.

The department is staffed by expert faculty members.

A great student is the reflection of an even greater teacher. At the U of T, you can become the stellar Psychologist you wish to be with the help of the institution’s esteemed professors.  Presently, the University houses 60 full-time professors and 20 cross-appointed faculty members, all of which are internationally recognized in their own fields and specializations.

U of T features top-of-the-line laboratory facilities.

From Baldwin’s pioneering laboratory, U of T remains to be one of the best schools for aspiring psychologists because of its complete, top-of-the-line laboratory facilities that cater to its students, researchers, and faculty members.

The department is a world leader when it comes to Psychology research.

Research is the backbone of the novel innovations in Psychology and other disciplines. Understanding the importance of research, U of T professors, as well as students, regularly conduct studies that aim to make great strides in the field of Psychology. In fact, U of T professors co-has published hundreds of papers in the following fields: Perception, Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience, Social, Personality and Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Brain and Behavior.

Why study at the University of Toronto?

With the many choices available, you might ask yourself, why should I enroll at the University of Toronto? Well then, the following reasons can help you make your decision:

U of T is one of the world’s schools for wannabe-Psychologists.

In the 2013 world rankings by QS, U of T emerged as the top 22 school in the entire world when it comes to Psychology Education. The university garnered an over-all score of 79.20, with a 90.20% rate for citations per paper, and 81.20% rate for academic reputation. It is currently the second-best Psychology school in Canada according to World Rankings, just a few notches behind McGill University.

U of T offers several program options.

You don’t have to be stuck with ‘just’ Psychology, as U of T allows you to immerse in your other passions with its different programs. You can enroll with a Major or Minor in Psychology, or you can dabble with Specialist or Research Specialist Psychology. You can also study a minor in Environment and Behavior.

You can choose from three campuses.

U of T offers Psychology courses in its three campuses in St. George, Scarborough and Mississauga. All you have to do is choose the location that tickles your fancy. Do note that whatever location you choose – you still get the excellent Psychology education that the university is famous for.

U of T offers a Clinical Research Extension (CLEX) program.

Do you want to become a renowned researcher in any of Psychology’s diverse fields? Then enrolling at U of T can help you turn this vision into reality with the help of the department’s CLEX program. This specialized curriculum can help you become a first-rate researcher in the applied and special areas of Psychology, since this program can give you the vital clinical knowledge that you need to possess. As an added bonus, the university can help you secure and manage funding for your research.

U of T offers scholarships and financial aid to its deserving students.

If you do not have the means to study in college, you can still pursue your dream of becoming a Psychologist with the help of the university’s scholarship and financial aid programs. Your school funding can come from the George Mandler Research Fund, the Linda Mamelak Undergraduate Award, and the Horace O. Frosty Steer Award in Psychology, among many other bursaries.

Lastly, U of T can help you become the top psychologist you dream to be.

Daniel Schacter, Endel Tulving and Lisa Feldmann Barrett – what do these Canadians have in common? Apart from being reputable Psychologists, they are all graduates of the University of Toronto. If you want to be an experimental psychologist just like Tulving, a brain and memory Psychologist just like Schacter, or a cognitive neuroscientist just like Barrett, then it is but obvious that you need to pursue U of T Psychology education – just like them.

Your dream of being a good Psychologist starts with a great education. Therefore, if you want to become one of Canada’s most respected ‘brain scientists,’ you need to enroll at the country’s premiere Psychology school – the University of Toronto.

Relevant Links:

  1. The Best Psychology Programs in Canada – Part 1 (UofT Psychology School)
  2. The Best Psychology Programs in Canada – Part 2 (McGill Psychology)
  3. The Best Psychology Programs in Canada – Part 3 (UBC Faculty of Psychology)
  4. Best Clinical Psychology Programs in Canada
  5. Top 5 Highest Paying Psychology Jobs

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