Top 5 Engineering Schools in Canada – Part 2

Top Engineering Universities in Canada – Faculty of Engineering at the University of Toronto (UofT)

The Top Engineering Schools in Canada is an article series that discusses various prestigious Engineering programs offered in Canada. Here are their respective parts: Part 1Part 2, Part 3.

If any prospective engineering student were to research the best engineering universities in Canada, they would undoubtedly

conclude that engineering at the University of Toronto is often debated as the gold standard for what a top engineering program should look like.

The University of Toronto (UofT) Faculty of Engineering is known for its excellence, theoretical prowess, its cannon mascot and producing students more than ready for graduate school. Now both the Engineering departments at the University of Waterloo and the University of Toronto consider themselves to be the number one engineering faculties in the country. Both have their strong points and claiming the number one spot is a fair statement that both schools can make. The University of Toronto however has won numerous prestigious awards, for example it has won the Times Higher Education Award for Engineering and Technology, the Shanghai Jiao Tong Ranking of the World and even the QS World University Ranking for Engineering and Computer Science.

These awards increase the prestige of the school and attracts funding for research projects. Therefore, it is no surprise that the Engineering Faculty at the University of Toronto has received more that $80 million dollars to spend on research and getting innovative projects off the ground. This has resulted in more than 110 spin off companies and over 360 invention disclosures, making a strong case for the excellence of the Engineering program at the University of Toronto.

With an entrance average of more that 90%, the faculty of Engineering at UofT is striving to create an environment that focuses on innovation, forward thinking ideas and excellence. Moreover, UofT has established The Entrepreneurship Hatchery to foster entrepreneurial spirit among students. Investing in creating an innovative environment for exceptional students has yielded its benefits. For example The Next 36 which is a National Search of 36 exceptional post-secondary entrepreneurs, chose 6 students from UofT Engineering. An accomplishment that other Universities would envy.

The Faculty of Engineering offers numerous opportunities to major in a component of engineering you are truly interested in. After taking foundational courses in your first year that include Calculus, Linear Algebra, Computer Fundamentals, Mechanics and Engineering Strategies you will be able to focus on a wide range of core programs – from Chemical Engineering to Mineral Engineering.

The Faculty of Engineering at UofT also requires its prospective graduates to complete 600 hours of practical work experience before graduation. Engineering is not all about theory and the classroom, it’s about turning your ideas into reality and this skill is best honed in a practical environment. Although not as strong as the co-op program at the University of Waterloo, UofT Engineering does an exceptional job at ensuring its students are ready for the real world.

Student opinions:

We know that UofT provides an exceptional engineering program, has super smart students, strong alumni and is considered to be

one of the Top Engineering Schools in Canada. However, for all its glory what do students actually think about the school?

One student has said: “For me it was a close race between the University of Waterloo and UofT, the co-op program at Waterloo was really appealing to me because I would have worked for 6 companies and earned up to $80,000 by the time I finish school. However, I chose to go to the University of Toronto because of its prestigious international reputation. I know that it would really make my application stand out when I would be applying to jobs.”

“Choosing the University of Toronto Engineering has been best choice I have made in my educational career. I was looking for a university that would prepare me for graduate school and since I was in it for the long haul I made sure to choose the best school for me. UofT focuses on preparing its students for grad school from day one, its superb professors, resources and high calibre students have challenged me to become the best engineer I can be.”

“UofT Engineering is well known for its engineering program, I chose to go to UofT simply because I knew that I wanted to do engineering but I didn’t know if I wanted to be in Civil, Mechanical or Chemical. UofT has the track one program in year one where I got to see all aspects of engineering before deciding on Civil engineering in year 2.”

Overall, the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Toronto is a complete program; any prospective student with an average greater than 90% would make a mistake not applying to this prestigious engineering program.

The Top Engineering Schools in Canada is an article series that discusses various prestigious Engineering programs offered in Canada. Here are their respective parts: Part 1Part 2.

Relevant Links:

  1. Top 5 Engineering Schools in Canada – Part 1
  2. Top 5 Engineering Schools in Canada – Part 2
  3. Top 5 Engineering Schools in Canada – Part 3
  4. Top 5 Highest Paying Engineering Jobs in the World
  5. 5 Best Petroleum Engineering Schools in Canada (With Photos)

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