Top 5 Engineering Schools in Canada


Top Engineering Universities in Canada – Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo

The Top Engineering Schools in Canada is an article series that discusses various prestigious Engineering programs offered in CanadaHere are their respective parts: Part 1Part 2, Part 3.

Many parents are convinced that the profession their children choose to focus their energies in should be one that will yield long

term monetary results. It is this mindset that push children into Law, Medicine, and Engineering. After all these professions never expire, there is and always will be a need for them and not everyone is smart enough to get in. Engineering is such a profession; the very mention of it can make your family proud, their friends jealous and get women to give you a second glance.

In this article series will provide you an overview of the Top Engineering Schools in Canada.  The schools presented here are in no particular order, therefore if they are on this list then they are doing something right.

University of Waterloo – School of Engineering:

We will begin with the University of Waterloo, Engineering is the heart of this school. In fact, Engineering was the very first faculty at the University of Waterloo. This university is located in the technology capital of Canada and the birthplace of numerous inventions including Research in Motion or Blackberry. The University of Waterloo’s Engineering program now ranks among the top 50 in the world and is the largest Engineering school in Canada. Not all prospective Engineers are created equal; some are interested in Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Nanotechnology and others in Geological or Environmental Engineering. At the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo students have the option of choosing between 13 undergraduate programs, ranging from Chemical Engineering to Nanotechnology. Whatever you’re fancy, the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Engineering has a place for you.

Being one of the largest Engineering programs in the world, the Engineering faculty attracts over $65 million dollars in Research funding. What sets it apart is its inventor owned intellectual property policy; making it the only school that allows its students to keep 100% of whatever is invented while a student is studying at the University of Waterloo.

Waterloo’s Co-op Program:

Leadership, Excellence, Innovation and Co-op are synonymous with Waterloo Engineering. Co-op has been a part of the

Engineering tradition at the University of Waterloo since it began in 1957. This tradition continues on till today and is one of the primary reasons why the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo is one of the Top Engineering schools in Canada. Co-op is paid work experience that all Engineering students at Waterloo have access to. Prospective students have the opportunity to gain up to 2 years of work experience and earn up $80,000 by the time they graduate. Check out this article to learn about the 5 Benefits of doing a Co-op Program. Essentially, a Co-op work placement will give you the opportunity to test drive different career opportunities. Often times, students who thought they wanted to be a Systems engineer may find that Civil engineering is better for them. A co-op work placement is an excellent way to test drive a career that a prospective student may interested in.

The University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Engineering runs the world’s largest Co-op program, with a 95% placement rate and over 17,000 Co-op students, it is a program envied by other universities all over the world. More importantly, Waterloo is a world renowned university and continually invests in securing relationships with employers. This strategy has allowed the Faculty of Engineering at Waterloo to secure over 3500 co-op employers worldwide. If you are one of the lucky individuals to get accepted to Waterloo Engineering you can count on Waterloo’s huge network of employers and connections to give you unrestricted access to co-op placements anywhere in the world. The Faculty of Engineering at Waterloo is also known for its relentless entrepreneurship and investment in cutting edge technology. Therefore, to foster creativity Waterloo allows students to start their own business and earn a co-op credit at the same time. More importantly, Waterloo provides significant support to students through various think tanks, and entrepreneurship centres to ensure that its students succeed.


Students Opinions:

Every student wants to believe that their University is the best. In Canada – Universities are well regulated and the focus is on the student rather than the institution. Therefore, although all Canadian Institutions offer a comparable level of education, not all are considered the top is their field. University of Waterloo Engineering students are the envy of engineering graduates throughout the world, however there is a constant rivalry that sparks up between many of the top schools. Nevertheless, there is one thing that rival engineering students do agree on; and that is the co-op program at Waterloo Engineering is incredible. It allows you to experiment, earn income to pay down your student loans, pads your resume, and expands your network.

Overall, the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Toronto is one of the Top Engineering Universities in Canada. Combining a robust co-op program with an extensive theoretical education makes the University of Waterloo a hotbed for talent, leadership and success.

Relevant Links:

  1. Top 5 Engineering Schools in Canada – Part 1
  2. Top 5 Engineering Schools in Canada – Part 2
  3. Top 5 Engineering Schools in Canada – Part 3
  4. Top 5 Highest Paying Engineering Jobs in the World
  5. 5 Best Petroleum Engineering Schools in Canada (With Photos)

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